A review of the epidemic of Corona from a scientific point of view

Corona’s lethality was in the beginning when it was unfamiliar and unnatural to our body, but not now. The problem we face today is that vegans are naturally mutating and reproducing this virus. That is what we face. Therefore, Mahantesh Koluche, a student of Post Graduate Science Branch, Department of Chemistry, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, has appealed to stay calm and stay safe by focusing on boosting your immune system carefully.

‘Corona’ is not a natural virus but man-made and caused by an omnipotent, omnipotent nation with an ‘inhuman expansionist spirit’. Which can be confirmed scientifically. If we think from a scientific point of view, no natural virus or other microorganism can adapt to changing geographical conditions so quickly. If so, our body can and is adapting to it just as quickly. So this disease is not fatal to us but it can be. That too if your physical immunity is low or weakened by any other disease.

A ‘Virus’ is a non-cellular micro-organism which is inactive outside but if it finds a host body within its shelf-life in its inactive state, it can subsist on the nutrition of the cells of the host body and integrate with the DNA of those cells, causing the body to become abnormal, perverted. By making such a change, these viruses successively destroy cells and increase their numbers. These viruses enter every cell and disrupt the regular life cycle of that cell. Due to which its poison spreads everywhere in the body (viral particles) and the physical immunity becomes weak. Due to this poison, wounds are created everywhere in the body and the regularly functioning organs fail. Also, blood clots in the blood vessels and the vessels become blocked. Which stops the blood supply and we die from multiple attacks.

If our body adapts to this virus as soon as possible, we can survive. Otherwise there are external treatments which sometimes work and sometimes don’t. Discharge takes place on such for some time and finally it takes place in the body. Such was the lethality of the microorganism Corona in the beginning, when it was unfamiliar and unnatural to our body, but not now. This virus is like a normal virus to our body. Viruses that our body encounters every day. However, the problem we face today is that vegans are naturally mutating and reproducing this virus. That is what we face. Each transformation is being named first wave, second wave, third wave. Therefore, Mahantesh Koluche has appealed to stay calm and stay safe by focusing on increasing immunity carefully.

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