For Tulu movies, Bharat Cinemas pay only Kannada

Mangalore: This time, Rupesh Shetty, Rupesh Shetty, the director of Circus, who has once again attracted the audience to the Tulu cinema stage and is seeing a great performance in more than 100 theaters of the country, seems to have been lucky. He is getting the reward for his efforts and now he has won the first stage in Bharat Cinemas multiplexes in the effort to provide Tulu movies with the same remuneration as Kannada.

After the first week, the revenue share of Tulu movies in Bharat Cinemas multiplexes was much less than that of Kannada movies. Due to this, the producers of Tulu films would have suffered a huge loss. In the context of the popularity of the movie Circus, its director and actor Rupesh Shetty has continuously talked to the head of Bharat Cinemas, Balakrishna Shetty, and has requested that he should be given the same revenue share as given to Kannada films. Balakrishna Shetty has agreed to this.

Balakrishna Shetty, head of Bharat Cinemas, has responded well to the talks between Rupesh Shetty and the Circus film team. This is a good result for Rupesh Shetty’s continuous efforts. This has given hope to other filmmakers. This has benefited the Tulu film industry. Now it is the request of the Tulu film industry that the rest of the mall management should also share the revenue share.

In multiplexes and single theatres, other languages ​​including Kannada have a similar revenue allocation, but Tulu has a different standard. In the first week, the revenue share is divided 50:50. But after that, the share given to the producers decreases every week. Especially the producers of Tulu are being given very little.

The Tulu film industry has been demanding for a long time that this discrimination should be corrected and we should be given the same share as Kannada. Now Rupesh Shetty has achieved a level of success in Bharat Cinemas in this regard. It is Coastalwood’s wish that this endeavor succeeds in all multiplexes in the future.

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