There are many factors to consider while looking for a part time job. Among them, what is the best time for part time job, what time do I get, how to balance part time job and life along with company / organization / office job. There should be labor for living. There should not be a continuous life in work itself.
It is advisable to search for part time jobs immediately after knowing which one is suitable for them and which one is the highest paying job. You can get the posts according to your talent and experience from the contacts around you.
Thus, in today’s article, the list of part time jobs that can get decent salary and the expected salary information for them is given.
tour guide
Average Salary: Rs.18,000.
One can get part time job as a tourist guide in travel agencies, tours and traveling agencies. This position can be obtained by claiming to work only for weekends or spare time. This job will pay well for those who know how to drive and have the necessary licenses.
Personal driver
Average Salary : Rs.15,000.
Some hyperprofessionals in urban areas can work part-time as personal car drivers. Pick up and drop them to home / office in the morning and evening. It can be own car or their personal car. You can manage your job in free time.
School bus driver
Average Salary : Rs.14,000.
As a school bus driver, the job is to pick up students to an institution in the morning and then drop them home in the evening. This can be done as a part time job. Should have appropriate driving license, good working experience. This job needs to be performed with proper knowledge of the rules related to driving. This work is to bring students carefully to school and home.
mail carrier
Average Salary : Rs.19,000.
A mail carrier job that delivers mail and packages to appropriate destinations can be done on a part-time basis. This job is available in courier centers. Must have reading and writing skills. Minimum 10th pass can do this job.
Tuition / Tutor
Average Salary : Rs.10,000 – 15,000.
A tutor is the job of giving lessons to students on difficult subjects. Tuition for them can be done in part time. This will be the job of teaching the children in the subject in which they are experts. Doubts of students should be properly answered and taught.
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Book Keepers
Average Salary : Rs.18,000.
For this post, minimum degree is required. Must have reading, writing, good communication skills. Can work in a company. Or clients can be managed through self-awareness. That means managing client’s ledgers, transactions. This is the job of continuously managing bank deposits, financial management.
Personal trainer
Average Salary : Rs.13,000.
Many personal trainer jobs like fitness trainer, yoga trainer, sport trainer etc can be done in part time. To become these trainers, a trainer can work by obtaining a training certificate.
Salary for this post depends on the field of work. It can be a job to sell your talent. For example, it should be to offer their services like writing, photographer, designing etc. Such works can be done in part time.
For example, a video editing job today, in addition to working for a company, does video editing work for other clients in their spare time. This is earning a lot of money.
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Real estate agent
Commission is for this job. Real estate business is the job of renting out land, renting out houses, selling sites, working as middlemen and getting commission, this is an easy job that can be done in part time. But enough connections need to be developed.
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