top work habits to adopt in 2023, need to get respect from colleagues? If so, adopt these work habits – top work habits you should adopt to get respect from your colleagues at workplace know in Kannada


Do as you say. It is said to be the main goal of dignity. Similarly, not only employees, but also everyone should be punctual. Through this you get respect from your colleagues too. Also respected by supervisors.

Consistent performance performance

Consistent performance performance

Everyone has good day/bad day. Because we are all human. However, it should not be taken as an excuse. To be respected by colleagues means to be respected by supervisors too, and your performance should be consistent. Your good work is one of the main aspects of your respect.

Respecting the contributions of others

Respecting the contributions of others

Praising your co-workers for their contributions is as good as helping them on their hard days. It also inspires them to contribute more. He who respects the works of others, is famous in everyone’s mind.

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Work on yourself every day

Work on yourself every day

Many jobs these days require continuous training and improvement. It requires learning some skills from time to time. Those who are thus constantly learning will have earned more respect for their talent. It not only demonstrates commitment, but also makes you more respected by colleagues, managers, clients.

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Taking the lead

Taking the lead

Completing work is not the only thing that matters to managers. Those who do not complete the given task due to some problem are not counted. But even if there are problems, leadership is more focused on those who complete the work on time. Those who deliver expected results are highly respected.

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