average salary of mechanical engineer, how much salary will an IIT mechanical engineer get? – What is the average salary of a mechanical engineer from iit

What is the average salary for a mechanical engineering graduate from Indian Institute of Technology in the year 2023 that has been asked by many candidates recently? The answer to this is given in today’s article.

The average salary for an IIT Mechanical Engineer varies based on many factors. Their academic achievements (marks, training), work experience, the field (industry) they will be working in are all taken into account.

When we check how much salary these candidates are getting in the year 2023, it is said that these candidates can get an annual package of 10-15 lakhs at the beginning of the average salary. This salary depends on industry location, company, job profile.

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Is it worth getting this much annual package for IIT Mechanical Engineers? Also, these candidates will have the opportunity to increase their salary and get promotion from time to time.

Many IIT graduates either pursue higher education or pursue an entrepreneurship course after completing BE. This allows for higher wages for a longer period of time.

It should be remembered that the salary of an IIT Mechanical Engineer is not the only indicator of their success or ability. Job satisfaction, maintaining work-life balance, maximizing career growth opportunities are also important considerations for career success.

What are the IT skills needed to get high salary in Bangalore?

What is the salary in famous cities?
Bangalore : Rs.3,48,000-7,50,000. up to
Delhi : Up to Rs.22,00,000
Pune in Maharashtra : Rs.5,58,000 starting.
Mumbai in Maharashtra: Rs.4,90,692 starting.

How to apply for posts abroad?

What is the Salary for Mechanical Engineer Posts in Bangalore?
Joining good industries in Bangalore with one year of work experience can currently fetch Rs.6-9 lakhs. Glassdoor reports that mechanical engineers in Bangalore can earn an average salary of Rs.5,37,000 per annum.

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