Candidates should read the following questions and make all preparations to answer them. Following list of questions commonly asked in SO interview is given by a Canara Bank officer. And according to the staff of the post of Bank SO, the list of these questions has been given.
Basic IBPSO Interview Questions (Possible)
1. Tell us about yourself? (Question requires answer about your name / location).
2. Why did you choose this career?
3. Tell us about your education?
4. When did you decide on a banking career?
5. Have you had more education than this job requires?
6. How is your professional knowledge relevant to a banking career?
7. Any plans for further education?
8. Do you have any work experience?
9. What did you do / are you doing after graduation?
10. Reason for leaving your previous job?
How to prepare for bank job interview?
11. What are your other career options?
12. What is your career goal?
13. How do you plan to achieve your goals?
14. What do you know about banking?
15. What is a bank?
16. Why want to work in banking sector?
17. What do you know about our bank?
18. Why are you interested in our bank?
19. Why not join another company?
20. Why should we hire you?
Be prepared to answer these questions to go for a bank job interview.
21. What would you do if given a better offer?
22. Who is your role model?
23. What is your short term goal?
24. What are your long-term goals?
25. Where do you want to see yourself in the next 5 years?
26. What is your greatest strength?
27. What is your weakness?
28. What are your hobbies?
29. What are your extracurricular activities?
30. What are your achievements?
31. Are you able to be a good team player?
32. Ready to handle stress?
33. Do you prefer any location for the job?
34. Ready to relocate?
Bank Interview Tips