Residents of the city are worried due to the increasing heat

The heat in Belgaum is increasing day by day and currently it is around 38 degrees Celsius. Also, the atmospheric humidity has increased to 67 percent. By standards this amount is oppressive and intolerable. So naturally, Belgaum is currently facing a heat wave.

Belgaum city recorded a minimum of 21.2 degrees Celsius and a maximum of 37.2 degrees Celsius on Tuesday. Due to the large increase in heat, Belgaumans have started using caps, handkerchiefs, towels and umbrellas to protect themselves from the sun. Doctors have appealed to the citizens to protect themselves from the sun as there is a possibility of heat stroke due to the sun.

So far in the history of Belgaum last April 2016 recorded the highest temperature of 40.2 degrees Celsius. Due to the increase in heat, traffic on the city roads has decreased and business has slowed due to lack of customers throughout the day.

Due to the sweltering heat, the city dwellers are shocked and the demand for cold drinks has increased. In the last 18 days of the month of April, the heat is increasing and it is predicted that the heat will increase further in the coming month of May.summer-heat

Considering the current heat wave, experts have advised citizens to avoid going out of the house in the afternoon, walking in the sun, drinking cold water from the fridge after coming home from the sun. This sudden rise in temperature can have serious effects on the human body. A normal healthy person can tolerate this sudden rise in temperature.

But it is likely to have a bad effect on newborns, elderly people or people with chronic diseases. So everyone needs to take care of themselves in the current hot climate.

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